Monday, April 23, 2012

Going all political...

Many of you may know that I have a very brave and courageous friend who has been extremely ill and requires a complicated package of care in order to recover...  Today I passed the 300th email I have sent/received in trying to get the appropriate care for her...  

I thought it was a significant landmark to celebrate, especially as after 6 months of emailing, phoning, writing and attending numerous meetings across the country, my friend is still not being provided with the care she requires and the only care she is receiving is being paid for from her own money...

Helloooooooo...... is there anybody out there......?

Friday, April 20, 2012

Bitumen Lewis Lewis...

So we bought some bargain parquet flooring, only 6m2, to go in our hallway - beautiful thick solid oak...  cost us £5 - thank you eBay.....

For 3 flippin weeks now we've been scraping bitumen off the sides of our £5 bargain flippin parquet - AND whats more, in so doing, we have also ruined 1 £35 mattress protector (thanks to bitumen residue left in the washing machine) and have a trail of bitumen throughout the house, over all of the carpets that I spent £50 having cleaned.  

NOT only that, but we bought a new mattress protector, for £20, only for me to take it out of the pack, throw away the packaging, wash the protector, put it on our bed and discover some sly s0d had swapped it in the shop for a single mattress protector... so we then had to spend another £20 on an actual double protector.  

AND, not only that, but when we went to Dunelm (we're all about the bargains in this house) to get the mattress protector, and even though we definitely don't get lured by advertising and pretty coloured cr@p that is essential for an idealistic and successful lifestyle, we came away with £25 worth of decorative, nice smelling, debatabley essential, additional household items!

WHAT'S more, we still have stinking granny carpet in our hallway, because we're still scraping stinking bitumen off our bargain flippin parquet blocks, which have cost us £120 so far, with a further bill of £50 weekend sander hire, underlay, PVA, filler and varnish to come...

Notice my absence in the photo - I'm inside the house changing Lewis' passwords to eBay...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

PhotoSoup 2012...

For those of you London based or London bound, check out PhotoSoup...
Photographer Eti Wade's Nuclear series at Gallery 24, 20 Great Guildford Street SE1 0FD is part of the latest PhotoSoup show.

Exhibition on until to the 12th of May.   PhotoSoup 2012

Also featuring the work of; 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Easter...

To celebrate Easter here's another image from the "Amateur Calendar" series.  April... Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Here is beautiful Lissi who I met today, another "willing volunteer" for my MA :)  What's more, she came round with cake... now that's a trend I'd like to see replicated...  Thank you Lissi...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Grey Day...

Thought we could all do with a bit of cheering up after such a grey and miserable day (although, actually quite thankful for the rain and hope it continues for a bit longer)...
More blossom... but believe it or not I am STILL FLIPPIN ILL, so still allowed to upload pretty pictures of flowers and blossom!

Monday, April 2, 2012

My Beautiful Sister....

Looking through some photos today I found this lovely picture I took of my beautiful sister Yani, mother of my equally as beautiful (but ever so slightly more bouncy) niece Amalie...

Another "Lewis" conversation...

Lewis's response to camping...